Doing speedwork on track tonight on my own. Really difficult not having someone else to keep pushing you. Also my calves just felt so-o-o tight tonight.

The Run Less, Run Faster book said I should do 3 x 1600s with only one minute to rest in between. Last week I was to do 5 x 1000s with 200M in between, which of course I decided to walk. There is a big difference between 1000M and 1600M. I know you all know that, but holy crap it was hard.

You all know I talk to myself when I run, so here’s what ran through my head tonight, in list form, because it’s easier and you all tend to like these more than my rambling thoughts. Can’t say as I blame you.

  1. Planning to do this at 8:29 or so, I figure that means every 200 yards, I’ve got to be at about 63 seconds.
  2. First 200, I am going too fast. 60 Seconds. That means I’m on pace to do an 8 minute mile. Better slow down. Key is to be consistent with each repeat.
  3. Takes me the first 800 to settle into the right pace.
  4. Third lap feeling pretty good.
  5. Fourth lap – I am still strong. Ok, alright 8:31, I can work with that.
  6. One minute over – ARE YOU SERIOUS? I’M SUPPOSED TO START RUNNING ALREADY? I haven’t even caught my breath yet.
  7. Ok, now that I can’t get my stopwatch set up, that at least gives me some more recovery time. I know I was supposed to only take one minute in between but I’ve already modified this program somewhat since my long runs are not as long as theirs.
  8. I can only do what I can do.
  9. Time to start running again.
  10. First 200 on second repeat, damn – I’m too fast again. Never going to make it at this pace.
  11. Just think of it this way, not that it’s only the second lap of the repeat, but that it’s more like lap 6 of 12 total to do at this pace.
  12. Ok, think of it one lap at a time. This lap 3 is getting hard to do.
  13. Oh, thank (expletive deleted) god, this is finally done. Just one more repeat.
  14. 8:31 for the second repeat. Ok. Good consistency.
  16. Ok, lap 1. I really don’t think I can do this, finish this thing.
  17. Lap 2. Yeah, I really don’t think I can do this.
  18. Well, at least that guy running in the opposite direction doesn’t appear to be gaining any distance on me.
  19. Yeah he’s gaining distance on me with every lap but that’s ok, he’s a guy. He’s supposed to be faster. Who cares if he’s not actually trying but I am?
  20. Stop with the negative thoughts. Remember what the Running Within book says. Take the negative thoughts and anxiety and don’t fight them, but work with them.
  21. You CAN do this. You CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  22. Yep, looks like I am running this repeat slower. I’ll be happy to finish as long as I do it strongly.
  23. 8:38 for the third repeat. I know it’s slower but it’s as good as I can do this evening.
  24. Good timing – it’s getting dark. Time to go home and eat dinner before 9 p.m. for a change! đŸ™‚

By the way, when I got home, my husband had just gotten home from the gym. He had his head up to his ears within a bag of tortilla chips, with a VERY guilty look on his face. After he works out, he becomes, as he says “a rabid animal looking for food.” If it’s not nailed down, he’ll inhale it.

By the way, as I was writing this post, I was very happy to see that Walter Dix did get a medal in the 200M after all. Good to see that nice guys do finish well sometimes.

Happy Running everyone.