Last week, I heard from a fellow runner of the Maine Marathon who happened upon my blog, and who actually remembers me and my brother during the marathon because of the sign Jamie was carrying – too funny!  I am happy to report that my fellow runner broke the 4 hour mark for the first time in his marathon running career.  This past week, John, aka ILoveNewYork on the Runner’s World Forum, ran his 12th marathon, which was also the 8th state in which he’d run a marathon. I found his race report both inspiring, and humorous at the same time.  I think he captures the description of the course much better than I did.  To read John’s race report, just click hereAlien, I think you’ll appreciate that you’re not the only one to get motivated to run faster by the sight of a hot chick. 🙂  Unlike me, who cried at the end of the race, he needed medical attention.

Will, a coworker of mine, and veteran of many marathons (and who is running the Bay State Marathon in a few weeks), sent me this youtube video that I think many of us can relate to (even if you’ve not run a marathon.) It certainly was how I looked on Monday, even though I’d taken an ice bath (but I swear, that ice bath is why I feel like a human today…)

Video from the London Marathon – Enjoy!