Call me a whiner, or an excuse-maker. But this morning it was pretty warm for this time of year – mid 40s, and we have a ton of snow that is melting, plus it was trying to drizzle/rain.  All of that mixed together creates fog.  When I drove to the gym, I could see how bad it was.

If I would have run this morning outside, it would have been 5 or 6 miles, and my loop takes me on a somewhat busy road which can be a bit nervewracking.  The sidewalks are not great to run on with all the snow, and so there I am in the street. I didn’t want to give anyone a chance to hit me, even with my headlamp and reflecting lights on.

So, I went to the gym, and rode 16.4 miles on the stationary bike. I have not sweated that much at the gym in a while, so it felt good.  And I know I need to get back into a better schedule of cross-training again.  The workout I did today was one of the FIRST cross-training exercises – they are really hard sometimes but they do definitely help remind your legs what it is like to go fast.

So now I’m just not sure what to do tomorrow since I have the 6K race on Saturday, and it’s a hilly race course. know I need to do a lot of work with the stability ball, but other than that I am not sure.   Not running in the gym all the time and also running in the morning, I’m usually lucky to just get to work on time, and then I tend to forget to do the crunches at night.  

Anyway, I get to live for another day!