I’m just very glad it’s Wednesday because that means in two more days it’s Friday. On Saturday it’s our 20 miler, and Melissa is planning on running the second 10 miles with me. I feel much better knowing I won’t be running the entire thing by myself, without music. We’re running downtown, around or near the Charles River (click here for a picture) so at least it’ll be a pretty, if flat, run. In a way I wish it was not flat for most of the way, I’d like it to be realistic like the rolling hills of Maine. Then it’s just the taper after that, which I am looking forward to, in a way. However, I’m not really sure what to do with the cross-training during that time – do I just keep it up at the same rate I am doing now?

It’s coincidental that this week, I just finished Lance Armstrong’s War, and also found out he is planning on getting back into cycling. I have to say, I am surprised, I thought he would want to stay out on top. The book talks about all of the doping insinuations and charges, and does leave it open for the reader to make their own decision. I can say that I don’t think I could be on his team – he seems to be one of those all-or-nothing, you’re-with-me-or-you’re-against-me people. Thanks, met enough of those types in my life, don’t need anymore. In fact, the author even says that he’s had a pattern of people getting really close to him, and then something goes wrong and he never lets them back in. I don’t know what to believe honestly. I suppose whenever you are on top, and if you are on top as much as he is, people always want to pull you off of the top. I was suprised to learn, though, that a lot of the cyclists, even the men, suffer from eating disorders.

This book was much different from his autobiographies, of course, in that he didn’t control everything that got written. I found it harder to get into than the others, but once I got going, it was much easier. There was one big difference – a lot was written to help you understand his rivals on the Tour as humans and what drives them. So if you are into the pro cycling circuit, or just learning more about it, then it’s an interesting read. I think I’ll have to read another book about him to get a fuller picture.

Ok, off to finish watching Better Off Dead (gotta love Netflix). I’ve seen this movie tons of times, yet it never fails to make me laugh. Anyone remember this song by Howard Jones? They play it while they’re fixing up the Camaro. Or the famous “two dollars!!” line?

Like to Get to Know You Well

Oh, and yes, I did cross-train tonight, a good 16.2 miles worth in 45 minutes on the bike. It did not feel as easy tonight as it did on Monday, for sure.