Lindsay and I after she ran the Boston Marathon, outside her hotel

Last weekend was a pretty busy one for me.  The best  part about it, though, was finally meeting Lindsay, of Chasing the Kenyans blog fame, having my brother come for a night to visit, and my family over for dinner on Sunday night, to help Linsday carbo-load for Monday.

I’ve been reading Lindsay’s blog, and she mine, for over a year. I’d say it’s almost a year and a half, actually. I took a look at her oldest posts and realized I’ve been reading it almost since its inception.  I found out it exisetd because she dropped a comment on mine, I took a look at the link she left behind, and was mind-blown by how many blogs she managed to keep up with. Plus, I loved image she had in her header, and thought, does she really run as fast as Kenyans do?  Well, if you take a look at some of the “bests” that she lists, you’ll see, she’s damn fast!

Linsday, at about the 14.5 mile point in Wellesley/Newton

So, it was only a matter of time until her training (which is beyond anything I think could handle by way of sheer miles, even with her recently as-yet undiagnosed, and confusing health problems) allowed her to qualify for Boston. So, of course I wanted to meet her! I just hoped she didn’t think I was too pushy, offering my place to her to stay.  Those of you who have met fellow online Twitter or blogger friends understand.  There’s our online personas and the ones we have in person. Even though you’ve shared a lot online, via emails or what-have-you, it is still a little nerve-wracking before you meet in person.  Will they think I’m a freak?  Not what they expected? Will they then be wondering “um, how do I work myself out of this person’s online life without them noticing?” Or maybe none of you experience this and it’s just me, who worries about too much.

Balloons we held so Lindsay could find us in the crowd. We got "congratulations!" from at least 3 runners, LOL.

Anyway, we had a great weekend.  I very quickly felt comfortable around her and her fiancee, J (as she usually refers to him online.) He is a complete sweetheart.  We went to the expo on Saturday afternoon where Lindsay was one of many who bought the real Boston Marathon jacket (I only have the pukey, lime-green colored volunteer one, but believe me, I’m stilll grateful for it as they cost $80 from Adidas.) 

Those of you who know about our yellow lab, Ruthie, can imagine how well she took to Lindsay and J, despite their allergies and Lindsay’s asthma. (Luckily, no emergency trips to the hospital ensued!) When they went to the hotel on Sunday night as planned, she moped and kept looking for them, and then realized, “Well, I guess I’m stuck with just Mom and Dad again…sigh.  Pet me, Mom?! I’m looking cute just for you.”

My friend Meg, and I, before the BAA 5K. Meg is wearing the race shirt under her jacket. Like I said, lime green!

Sunday morning was the BAA 5K.  The price is a bit steep – $40 for a 5K in a metro area where you can easily run 5Ks for $20 if you register early enough.  At least we go a short-sleeved technical shirt. Too bad it’s in the same pukey, lime-green color as my volunteer’s jacket, and the Small-Size still looks like I could almost wear it as a dress. (Didn’t stop me from wearing it the other morning though, so my butt didn’t completely show from my capris tights like they usually do. I can’t be bothered to wear shorts over my tights, sorry.   If you’re up as early as I am on my runs, you need to deal with the sight or avert your eyes, and move on.)

The 5K course is mainly flat – the only hill is right near the 1 mile mark, and you run up to the Statehouse.  Not challenging unless you are stuck behind people much slower than you.  For me, I was lucky and didn’t get caught in such a situation, as did many people I talked to.  This was a race limited to 5,000 runners. For spectators, as Lindsay learned, that is a lot of people flying past you in a very short period of time. Even Bill, who is a seasoned spectator, says he needs to turn his eyes away occasionally so as to not become nauseous.

The stationed themselves near the start line at a spot that also afforded the opportunity to try to pick us out just prior to the 2 mile point.  Bill said they only saw me and Josh once, and our friend Corey once, and my former coworker and running friend, Will (who took 3rd place in his age group of 60-64, with a time of about 20 minutes, 31 seconds. The man is SICK, I tell you, SICK!) 🙂  If you’re still reading my blog, Will, you should know that Bill thought you’d won the age group. As he put it, “he was HAULING when he flew by us!”

Anyway, I lined up between the signs that said 7 minute pace and 8 minute  pace.  From the sounds of it, it sounds like many people stationed themselves just behind the 8 minute pace sign that shouldn’t have.  I know there were people walking very shortly in front of me after the gun went off and we’d just crossed the start line.  Really, people? You knew you were going to walk but couldn’t start further back? Do some people just not get it?!

Anyway, J said he had to weave around people for at least the first mile. My friend and coworker Lisa said she had the same problem. Our friend Corey and his friends got so frustrated at not being able to pass people that I think they just decided to run and talk, finishing well behind me, and with all of them, especially Corey, having the natural ability to totally kick my ass at this distance. (Truth be told, probably at any distance.)  (By the way, Corey got spit on during the race. Yes, spit on by someone who clearly doesn’t get race etiquette!)

There was a lot of spectator support, certainly more than I am used to. Which was cool, considering that the race started at 8 a.m. on a chilly, rainyish Sunday. I was lucky and able to get running at my own pace pretty early on and of course, had my iPod going to keep me motivated. I didn’t take water along the course (I’d drunk so much beforehand that as soon as we started, I was like “oh man, I’ve got to pee!” Yeah, not something you want to have to think about for the next 25-30 minutes. Luckily, I was able to push it out of my mind for most of, but not all, of the race.)  

Funny thing about this race. It’s a 5K but held in a huge running city. So, of course you get the types of runners who are treating it as if it’s the marathon.  About mile 2, there was a water station. People were chucking their cups with lots of gusto.  One guy, about 5-8 feet in front of me, decides he’s done with his cup, even though he’d only drunk oh, I’d say about half of it. He whips it with a flourish to his right, never stopping to look to see if there was another runner there.  I mean, come on people, when are you not in a crowd in a short distance race like this, and you’re a middle of the pack runner like us?  HELLO, NEVER!  Well, you should have seen the look on the face of the guy who soon ended up wearing that liquid all over his shirt.  The phrase “WTF?!” comes to mind.  When I thought about it afterward, just ask Lindsay, I was giggling like crazy. (At the time I was pissed at the cup-chucker.)

Anyway, to draw this very long post to a close (sorry, folks, but a lot transpired last weekend and this doesn’t even cover the half of it), I did not do as well a I wanted, whcih was to break 25 minutes, but I did get a PR at the distance, by 6 seconds.


  1. 66/363 F35-39
  2. 1182/4948 overall
  3. Official time: 25:34 (but if you ask me, I ran too far, 3.17 miles, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out my “real” time. I’m sure it was painful for Lindsay to watch/hear about.)
  4. Mile splits: 8:18; 8:06: 7:57, and last .17 of 7.24.  NEGATIVE SPLITS, BABY!

(Mom, I know you’re reading this and are probably wondering what do I mean by negative splits.  It means every mile I got faster.  That’s a goal in running, to get faster, not slower, as the race wears on.)

Thanks for reading!